NHC Watching Disturbance in the Gulf

The National Hurricane Center has tagged an area of interest in the north central Gulf of Mexico in their 2 PM EDT tropical weather outlook.

Note that this disturbance is completely unrelated to the spurious hurricane the GFS was showing last week and is the remnants of a mesoscale convective system (MCS).

Development is not expected as the disturbance is currently under 20 to 30 kts of wind shear with dry air lurking nearby. It also has only roughly 12 to 24 hours before it moves ashore in southwest Alabama or the western Florida Panhandle.

While tropical cyclogenesis is unlikely, it will continue to bring periods of heavy rain and squally conditions to parts of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and the western Florida Panhandle through tomorrow.

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Caleb Carmichael
Caleb Carmichael

Caleb is the owner of Gulf Coast Storm Center. He is currently an undergraduate student at Mississippi State University majoring in geoscience with a concentration in broadcast and operational meteorology. While not yet a meteorologist, Caleb has been providing weather updates, news, and analysis for the Gulf Coast since 2014.

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